blog October 5, 2021

How to Balance Work and Your Health

While the pandemic has been a challenge for everyone, those in clinical research and healthcare have faced tremendous adversity over the last 18 months. Balancing work and your personal health may have fallen to the wayside as you took on more than ever before. Below are a few tips from CEO Jennifer Byrne to help strike a balance between work and your health.


Pursue Your Passion Everyday

We’ve all heard the expression “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” I am very fortunate to do what I love and encourage others to explore opportunities in areas they feel passionate about. Every job has hard days but remembering why you started in your field can help keep you motivated and even recharge your battery.


Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Countless studies have shown that people who regularly express gratitude experience better sleep, reduced symptoms of physical pain, lower levels of inflammation, lower blood pressure and even exercise more. When work feels overwhelming, try to make a list of five things you feel grateful for in that moment. Reminding ourselves that we have so much to be grateful for can instantly improve our mood and outlook.

To extend that feeling of gratitude, share your list with a friend or family member and ask them to do the same. Sharing lists with a trusted companion not only extends the benefits of mentioned above, it can also help build a stronger relationship with the person you shared your list with.


Have One Thing That is Yours Alone

For me, it is running.  This gives me the time to breathe deeply, clear my mind, keep my body moving forward. Running also reminds me of how fortunate I am to have good health and of the responsibility I have to myself to keep myself healthy. It doesn’t matter what you choose, be it biking, cooking, hiking, or reading, just pick something you enjoy.


Be Strong while Remaining Vulnerable

Life is not about a sprint to perfection but rather a marathon of continuous improvement in mind, body, and soul. Vulnerability can mean asking for what you need or want. It also can mean expressing your feelings, or simply slowing down and being present. Whatever vulnerability looks like to you, practice sharing that with others. While many will compliment strength, it’s vulnerability that builds relationships that carry us through the tough times.